Turn your CD and DVD promotions into effective selling and informational tools. Your marketing materials, regardless of format, should be easily recognizable. look smart and reflect the professionalism and high caliber of quality your company is known for. Furthermore, your promotional CDs and DVDs should tie into an overall product or services-marketing theme.
We will develop and design your CD, DVD and jacket cover graphics to generate interest in the contents of your promotion and your products or services. The finished medium can be a stand- alone piece with a cover designed as self-mailers or it can be inserted in a special binder as part of a larger presentation. The latter is ideal for seminars where one desires to add additional information such as brochures and data sheets.
Multimedia CDs or DVDs offer an efficient way of conveying large volumes of information in a very compact and economical package, such as product catalogs and data sheets or an interactive presentation that can include a mix of data, audio and video content. Multimedia is an especially effective way to communicate and display, in video or Power Point format, the benefits of using your products.
Not only can we design and author the contents of your CD or DVD presentation, we can contract voice or acting talent if necessary to produce a professional presentation.
We can supply duplicates in very small to as large a quantity desired at affordable cost. The finished products can be mailed to a specific mailing list or to the customer's distribution source.